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Trending in Telehealth: November 12 – 19, 2024

Trending in Telehealth highlights state legislative and regulatory developments that impact the healthcare providers, telehealth and digital health companies, pharmacists, and technology companies that deliver and facilitate the delivery of virtual care.

Trending in the past week:

  • Veterinary services


Proposed Legislation & Rulemaking:

  • In Florida, the Board of Veterinary Medicine proposed a rule that would require veterinarians to include a notation in the medical record if an examination was conducted by telehealth. The Board also proposed a set of guidelines that the Board must follow when imposing disciplinary penalties for violations of telehealth practice rules. The penalties include reprimand, suspension with administrative fines, and revocation of the individual’s license.
  • In New York, a bill requiring Medicaid to provide remote ultrasound procedures and remote fetal nonstress tests in certain circumstances passed the first house.

Why it matters:

  • Regulation of the use of telehealth in veterinary medicine continues to grow. Florida joins an increasing number of states beginning to develop regulations specifically related to the practice of veterinary medicine via telehealth. This emerging trend in the health industry regulation reflects the steady adoption of telehealth as a valuable care delivery modality across the full gambit of health services industries.

Telehealth is an important development in care delivery, but the regulatory patchwork is complicated. The McDermott Digital Health team works alongside the industry’s leading providers, payors and technology innovators to help them enter new markets, break down barriers to delivering accessible care and mitigate enforcement risk through proactive compliance.

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Trending in Telehealth: October 29 – November 11, 2024

Trending in Telehealth highlights state legislative and regulatory developments that impact the healthcare providers, telehealth and digital health companies, pharmacists, and technology companies that deliver and facilitate the delivery of virtual care.

Trending in the past week:

  • Interstate compacts
  • Behavioral health
  • Veterinary services
  • Disciplinary guidelines


Proposed Legislation & Rulemaking:

  • In Washington, the Veterinary Board of Governors proposed amendments to board regulations to address the provision of veterinary services via telehealth. The proposed rule would permit licensed veterinarians to use telehealth to provide general health advice and emergency animal care advice, prescribe non-controlled substance sedation medication to facilitate transportation to an in-person visit, and, in certain circumstances, to dispense non-controlled substance medications prescribed by another veterinarian. Once a veterinarian-client-patient relationship had been established, the proposed rule would permit ongoing care to be provided via telemedicine.
  • In California, the Board of Behavioral Sciences proposed amendments to its telehealth rule to require licensed providers rendering services via telehealth to employ technologies, methods, and equipment that comply with all applicable federal and state privacy, confidentiality, and security laws, including HIPAA and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act.
  • South Carolina’s Department of Public Health released a proposal to permit licensed opioid treatment programs to perform the required initial screening examination via telehealth for patients admitted for treatment with buprenorphine or methadone. The proposed rule would require the use of audio-visual communications when evaluating patients for treatment using Schedule II medications but would permit use of audio-only platforms when treating patients with Schedule III medications.

Finalized Legislation & Rulemaking Activity:

  • The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling finalized a set of guidelines that the board must follow when imposing disciplinary penalties upon telehealth registrants. The penalties include fines, reprimands, suspension with a corrective action plan, and revocation of the individual’s license.
  • In the District of Columbia, the mayor signed a bill (B 25-287) in which DC joins the Interstate Counseling Compact.

Why it matters:

  • Adoption of interstate licensure compacts continues to grow. Over the past year, there has been a notable trend of adoption of interstate licensure compacts for a wide range of providers. Even during slow periods for legislative and regulatory activity, DC’s adoption of the Interstate Counseling Compact reflects continued interest in these compacts.
  • States continue to adapt to the ongoing relevance of telehealth as a method of care delivery. The rule amendments proposed in Washington to permit the delivery of veterinary services via telehealth reflects ongoing recognition that telehealth can be used to provide a wide range of health services. The recently adopted disciplinary guidelines in Florida demonstrate how states have begun to adopt regulations specifically with telehealth in mind.

Telehealth is an important development in care delivery, but the regulatory patchwork is complicated. The McDermott Digital Health team works alongside the industry’s leading providers, payors, and technology [...]

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Trending in Telehealth: February 27 – March 4, 2024

Trending in Telehealth highlights state legislative and regulatory developments that impact the healthcare providers, telehealth and digital health companies, pharmacists and technology companies that deliver and facilitate the delivery of virtual care.

Trending in the past week:

  • Interstate compacts
  • Expanding telehealth
  • Regulation of teledentistry


Legislation & Rulemaking Activity in Proposal Phase:


  • In Arizona, HB 2446 passed the first chamber. If enacted, the bill would establish licensing requirements for dietician nutritionists and nutritionists, which would allow for the delivery of dietetic and nutrition services via telehealth.
  • In Florida, HB 849 passed both chambers. If enacted, the bill would establish requirements for the delivery of veterinary telehealth services by Florida-licensed veterinarians.
  • In Florida, HB 855 passed both chambers. If enacted, the bill would, among other changes, require dental practice to designate a dentist of record with the Florida Board of Dentistry. It would also require dentists to perform an in-person examination of a patient or to obtain records of an in-person evaluation before initiating orthodontic treatment. The proposal would also require that dentists placing advertisements of dental services provided through telehealth include a disclaimer recommending an in-person examination for each of the following services: an impression or digital dental scan, denture services, placement of an appliance or other structure, and orthodontic treatment. Under the proposal, failure to comply with the evaluation requirement and failure to provide patients with contact information of each dentist who is providing dental services to a patient would be grounds for discipline.
  • In Georgia, HB 844 passed the first chamber. If enacted, the bill would establish licensing requirements for dietician nutritionists and nutritionists, which would allow for the delivery of dietetic and nutrition services via telehealth.
  • In Georgia, HB 441 passed the first chamber. If enacted, the bill would, among other requirements, require a dentist intending to provide care via teledentristry to notify the Georgia Board of Dentistry and to provide documentation that the dentist had established a referral relationship with a dentist capable of providing in-person dental care at a location within the state meeting certain geographic requirements. A dentist providing teledentistry would be permitted to authorize dental hygienists to perform certain dental hygiene functions, prescribe noncontrolled prescriptions and authorize the performance of digital scans and the transmission of patient records to the dentist. The proposed bill would require dentists to perform an initial in-person examination and an in-person exam at least once every 12 months to provide teledentistry services to a patient, except for patients seen in certain specified settings. It would also require dentists to obtain written authorization to a patient with information about the treating dentist and dental hygienist and obtain informed consent after providing a written statement advising the patient that teledentistry was not equivalent to an in-person clinical exam and that the dentist would not physically be present. The bill would prohibit an insurer from excluding coverage for a service [...]

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